Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Don't destroy the creation!!!

People and environment have a very bad relationship nowadays. A lot of people don't care about and they produce a lot of damage to it. They throw a lot of garbage, smoke a lot of cigarrettes, and all the bad things, they do it A LOT!!. I think people don't considerate that, they could learn about it in the school, university and even in the TV, but sometimes people are so dummy!
I am very conscience about it. I throw pappers into the garbage collectors, I dont like to see a lot of useless things on the streets, and ugly too, I hate that!. Someday, when a have a big house, I will have containers with papper, cardboard and glasses, and i'm going to sell that. I preffer to use a bike than a car, It's contaminate a lot and it's so expensive, bike instead, is healthy!!!
I haven't supported any eco-organisation because I didn't have time, or money. But when a have my own stuffs and work, I will do that, probably. Well, like I said before, I would like to have my own recycling center, It have to start by myself, and then we can do other people cares about de environment and nature. I would like all people could see that, The nature and environment are the creation of God! We have to care about it, it's good for us, is healthy and entertaining too.
In Santiago, excuse me but, is disgusting!!!! We have to stay conscience, do something about all that sh*t we throw away, we have to put it in his right place. Trash is everywhere, and I insist, we have to do something about it, clean it, pick up garbage from the streets, don't smoke never, don't use cars for a usseless things, or to go places where we could go in a bike. Only say that the environment is life and we are killing it day by day, don't be an accomplice of this, please!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

May the force be with you

Wooow a wonder world! the sci-fi in our lives!
Well, I'm a casual sci-fi watcher, but I like it very much. Read it it's a little more complex, but with a lot of imagination, like me, you can have a lot of fun reading it! jijiji; but I preffer to watch sci -fi movies, is interesting how people, like George Lucas for example, can make a new world bassed in our supposed future.
And here I wanna stay, the first and the best sci-fi thing I saw is Star Wars, but the first ones. I like it so much! When I was a child, me and my brother watch the all saga in a day, and then we talk about it. I think this movie have a great history, thats includes politics ideas and a fight of the force against the dark side, who represents good and evil. I love the Darth Vader's character, it's so evil and powerfull, he can destroy anything he wants with the power of the dark side. But I will never forget the best scene ever in this movie, when Darth Vader fights with Luke Skywalker, when the power of the dark side defeats the force of Luke, and Vader tells him that he have to join to the dark side and govern, then Luke say no and... CHAN! Vader says all the true!! He is him fatheeeer!! Holly Sh*t!, now, Live it yourself! and enjoy it!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

And now, the news!

Hi there! Now I'm reading "The Guardian" a newspapper from UK! technology is amazing, I can read it from Chile in five minutes and I don't need to someone send it from there. Talking about that, my summary is about the photography, and a photographer.
The cheap compact camera is comming stronger than ever! Since George Eastman invented rolls of film and the ussual cameras for the market. Nowadays, exist different types of cameras, but who would think that we have smartphones with great cameras? we use this things all the time, they are very accessible to the people and we can take a picture whenever we want to. So, we're all Henri Cartier-Bresson now, a famous photographer from the sixties. He used a camera called Leica, because it was small, fast and quiet, but what if he had been able to use a smartphone to take the urban's pictures? Certainly, HCB had been using cameras like this, an another tools of our age, but he left photography in 1975 and dedicated to draw. He doesn't feel any interest on photography anymore. That would be a difficult job to us, in a world where photographs talks a lot!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The power of humanity

I think talk about drugs and porno is a very interesting topic, because is a reality that so many people live, and they don't show it, they try to hide it from society, it's embarrasing for them. I think drugs are strange, but if we see them from an open range, we can think that anything could be a drug in our lives, for example, the love, the anger, the job, the food, etc. Also, we have natural drugs in our body that make we change our feelings or attitudes.
Porno could be also a drug, but it's sick, the porno have been stigmatized by the society, I think it's kind of funny see people having sex, but it is disgusting! I preffer to live that, not to watch that. I don't really think that actors can feel anything in a porno movie, is a job, I imagine it's like do some sport or something, but I have seen some interview to actors and actresses, and they seems to enjoy it, they know a lot of excitation and they look like experts.
Drugs don't have to be legal, well, I think marijuana could be, because is a natural form to be unstressed, but it could be dangerous if you smoke a lot, like anything in excess. Other drugs are more harmful, like cocaine, heroin, and that's have not to be legal, poor kids, young people who dies because they are addict to them.
Child pornography is really disgusting, who likes it is very sick, and needs to see a doctor quickly, before they rape some kids, what a shame, I hope it's ends now, like porno too, is a human's creation who have distorted the minds of the people.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Netherlands, dear Netherlands

It's a curious place, isn't it? I allways think about that country, all the others are so familiar, like Italy, Germany, Brasil, England, but nowbody think about Netherlands.
This country is composed by a lot of countrys, but the most popular is Holland. When I knew about this country, I wanted to be a dutchman, because it's a very developed country with a low profile, I like that, it's my style. Then, older, I knew that in Holland are a lot of windmills, clouds, and i think it's simply beautiful, look at the sky and see all this wonderfull things. Also I knew that in Amsterdam, the Holland's capital, it's a free place, where you can smoke weed and the police doesn't say anything, is your choice. I talked with a friend about it, Dolape, and he said me that we will go there someday. We talked about it just one time, but I always remember that we have to go there someday, to enjoy the landscape jijijiji. I like Rembrant too, and he is and Dutch painter, he was very tallented and famous in all the art's world, I hope I will found somebody like him, who teach me a lot about arts and painting. I will like to go Netherlands someday, seriously. I will like to work in a museum or something like that, really; I don't care, because I will keep doing my stuffs, like drawing and taking photographs, but just the fact of being there, it will be my dream come true.

Jimbo is back!

James Douglas Morrison is my favourite artist. He was born on December eight in nineteen fourty three, Melbourne, United States. He was the singer of The Doors, a psicodelic rock band who make history in the rock's history. Jim Morrison was also a poet and music writer. He didn't sing very well, but he has been chosen like the best american singer by Rolling Stones Magazine. I think it was because he had so much energy, and his lyrics was very intenses. My brother listen a lot of this band ( The Doors) and when I was a child I knew them. It was so amazing, I love the sounds, the rythms, and lyrics of course, all the songs takes me to a special place, makes me travel all around the world and situations, and nowadays I still listen them with my brother, and we love it! Now I will let you listen my favourite song, the depeest lyric I have ever listen, enjoy it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This weird term

Well, this new term is really strange. in the beginning, I was so motivated, I thought that it would be easier, but we have only two months to do what we had to do in six months, it's very intensive, I have more homework in a week than in all my life! and just thinking about it, makes me want to rest all day.
My subjects are Photography, I have to do chemical and digital photography. I'm taking Art History, Semiotic, Arts Projects, Drawing lessons and English, of course! There are a lot of subjects, and each one gives me a homework, and I hate to do homework, I prefer doing things in the university, but I need a lot of extra work.
I hate being studying in the summertime ! Maybe it's not borring, but I will lose all the moments with my girl and friends who don't have to go to class in the summer. While they are having a good time on the beach or swimming pool, I'm here without them. I hope this ends very soon and very fast, because honestly, I would like to be on the beach RIGHT NOW!