Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The power of humanity

I think talk about drugs and porno is a very interesting topic, because is a reality that so many people live, and they don't show it, they try to hide it from society, it's embarrasing for them. I think drugs are strange, but if we see them from an open range, we can think that anything could be a drug in our lives, for example, the love, the anger, the job, the food, etc. Also, we have natural drugs in our body that make we change our feelings or attitudes.
Porno could be also a drug, but it's sick, the porno have been stigmatized by the society, I think it's kind of funny see people having sex, but it is disgusting! I preffer to live that, not to watch that. I don't really think that actors can feel anything in a porno movie, is a job, I imagine it's like do some sport or something, but I have seen some interview to actors and actresses, and they seems to enjoy it, they know a lot of excitation and they look like experts.
Drugs don't have to be legal, well, I think marijuana could be, because is a natural form to be unstressed, but it could be dangerous if you smoke a lot, like anything in excess. Other drugs are more harmful, like cocaine, heroin, and that's have not to be legal, poor kids, young people who dies because they are addict to them.
Child pornography is really disgusting, who likes it is very sick, and needs to see a doctor quickly, before they rape some kids, what a shame, I hope it's ends now, like porno too, is a human's creation who have distorted the minds of the people.


  1. I have a very similar opinion about the subject!!!

  2. Jajaja If Cap'n Folken, ye scullywag have a very similar opinion that daniel I have a very similar opinion with both.
    Dani you write about what drugs must be legalized o not, very well, I write the same but Im not sure if that understand what I wrote

  3. I know it's a serious theme but... Dude, that photo of Amy makes me laugh xD.
    It's just funny, that's all (Rest in Peace).

    Well, it's your own theme and you affront it very relax and with awesome arguments, very impressive (:
    Take care neighbor!

  4. Well, I think that maybe alcohol make more damage than marijuana, you know? if you are drunk and driving, if when you get drunk you are violent, etc. I don't know what is the exactly reason why marijuana is not legal, because I am not pretty sure if tabaco is worst than smoke weed. thats my think

  5. Danieeel i have a very similar opinion...
