Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Don't destroy the creation!!!

People and environment have a very bad relationship nowadays. A lot of people don't care about and they produce a lot of damage to it. They throw a lot of garbage, smoke a lot of cigarrettes, and all the bad things, they do it A LOT!!. I think people don't considerate that, they could learn about it in the school, university and even in the TV, but sometimes people are so dummy!
I am very conscience about it. I throw pappers into the garbage collectors, I dont like to see a lot of useless things on the streets, and ugly too, I hate that!. Someday, when a have a big house, I will have containers with papper, cardboard and glasses, and i'm going to sell that. I preffer to use a bike than a car, It's contaminate a lot and it's so expensive, bike instead, is healthy!!!
I haven't supported any eco-organisation because I didn't have time, or money. But when a have my own stuffs and work, I will do that, probably. Well, like I said before, I would like to have my own recycling center, It have to start by myself, and then we can do other people cares about de environment and nature. I would like all people could see that, The nature and environment are the creation of God! We have to care about it, it's good for us, is healthy and entertaining too.
In Santiago, excuse me but, is disgusting!!!! We have to stay conscience, do something about all that sh*t we throw away, we have to put it in his right place. Trash is everywhere, and I insist, we have to do something about it, clean it, pick up garbage from the streets, don't smoke never, don't use cars for a usseless things, or to go places where we could go in a bike. Only say that the environment is life and we are killing it day by day, don't be an accomplice of this, please!!!


  1. really? you own recycling center??? i think that is really greaaaaaaat. I will be a user of you company or something.

  2. Hello again dani!

    I agree with you.
    I think smokers should walk with their own garbage, because they always throw the butts on the floor, and it becomes very dirty all the places

  3. Ouch!!! I smoke so much ;( i feel so bad now!!!
