Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This weird term

Well, this new term is really strange. in the beginning, I was so motivated, I thought that it would be easier, but we have only two months to do what we had to do in six months, it's very intensive, I have more homework in a week than in all my life! and just thinking about it, makes me want to rest all day.
My subjects are Photography, I have to do chemical and digital photography. I'm taking Art History, Semiotic, Arts Projects, Drawing lessons and English, of course! There are a lot of subjects, and each one gives me a homework, and I hate to do homework, I prefer doing things in the university, but I need a lot of extra work.
I hate being studying in the summertime ! Maybe it's not borring, but I will lose all the moments with my girl and friends who don't have to go to class in the summer. While they are having a good time on the beach or swimming pool, I'm here without them. I hope this ends very soon and very fast, because honestly, I would like to be on the beach RIGHT NOW!


  1. Worry not, me bucko!!! This term may end before we notice!!! Wish ye luck!!!

  2. Don't worry, be happy (8). you can do it :D. but folken doesn't. just kidding, he can do it too.

  3. the campus should have a swimming pool... a really big one!
